HACKvent 2020 - Day 7

01-01-2021 - 6 minutes, 27 seconds - CTF

Challenge - Bad morals

One of the elves recently took a programming 101 course. Trying to be helpful, he implemented a program for Santa to generate all the flags for him for this year's HACKvent 2020. The problem is, he can't remember how to use the program any more and the link to the documentation just says 404 Not found. I bet he learned that in the Programming 101 class as well.

Can you help him get the flag back?


  • There are nearly infinite inputs that pass almost all the tests in the program
  • For the correct flag, the final test has to be successful as well


Running the programm prompts us for three inputs, which we need to find in order to get the flag.

Decompile the .exe. Luckily it is written in C#, so it's easy to get readable code using an decompiler. In this case DotPeek by JetBrains was used. The whole code can be found at the bottom of this post.


The archive contains a windows executable. The program requests three separate inputs, which we seemingly have to answer correctly to find in order to get the flag. Decompiling the .exe will help us figure out what it wants. Luckily it is written in C#, so it's easy to get readable code using an decompiler. In this case DotPeek by JetBrains was used. The whole code can be found at the bottom of this post.

Input 1

Input #1 has to resolve to “BumBumWithTheTumTum”. Only every second character of the actual input is used, so lets go with “BBuummBBuummWWiitthhTThheeTTuummTTuumm”.

Console.Write("Your first input: ");
char[] charArray1 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
string str1 = "";

for (int index = 0; index < charArray1.Length; ++index)
    if (index % 2 == 0 && index + 2 <= charArray1.Length)
    str1 += charArray1[index + 1].ToString();

string str2;
if (str1 == "BumBumWithTheTumTum")
    str2 = "SFYyMH" + charArray1[17].ToString() + "yMz" + (object) (charArray1[8].GetHashCode() % 10) + "zcnMzXzN" + charArray1[3].ToString() + "ZzF" + charArray1[9].ToString() + "MzNyM" + charArray1[13].ToString() + "5n" + charArray1[14].ToString() + "2";
    if (str1 == "")
    Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
    str2 = str1;

Input 2

Input #2 has to resolve to “BackAndForth”. Since it is reversed before beeing evaluated we go with “htroFdnAkcaB”.

Console.Write("Your second input: ");
char[] charArray2 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
string str3 = "";
Array.Reverse((Array) charArray2);
for (int index = 0; index < charArray2.Length; ++index)
    str3 += charArray2[index].ToString();
string s;
if (str3 == "BackAndForth")
    s = "Q1RGX3" + charArray2[11].ToString() + "sNH" + charArray2[8].ToString() + "xbm" + charArray2[5].ToString() + "f";
    if (str3 == "")
    Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
    s = str3;

Input 3

Input #3 has to resolve to “DinosAreLit”. The input is XORed before beeing evaluated. XORing “DinosAreLit” results in “nOMNSaSFjC[“.

Console.Write("Your third input: ");
char[] charArray3 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
string str4 = "";
byte num = 42;
for (int index = 0; index < charArray3.Length; ++index)
    char ch = (char) ((uint) charArray3[index] ^ (uint) num);
    num = (byte) ((int) num + index - 4);
    str4 += ch.ToString();
string str5;
if (str4 == "DinosAreLit")
    str5 = "00ZD" + charArray3[3].ToString() + "f" + charArray3[2].ToString() + "zRzeX0=";
    if (str4 == "")
    Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
    str5 = str4;

Final step - generating the flag

Now the base64 strings of the 3 steps above are used to generate an byte array and an hash. The hash is checked against an hardcoded one, and if it is the same, the ASCII representation of the byte array is printed.

byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(str2 + str5);
byte[] numArray1 = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes.Length];
for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; ++index)
    buffer[index] = (byte) ((uint) bytes[index] ^ (uint) numArray1[index % numArray1.Length]);
byte[] hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(buffer);
byte[] numArray2 = new byte[20]
    (byte) 107,
    (byte) 64,
    (byte) 119,
    (byte) 202,
    (byte) 154,
    (byte) 218,
    (byte) 200,
    (byte) 113,
    (byte) 63,
    (byte) 1,
    (byte) 66,
    (byte) 148,
    (byte) 207,
    (byte) 23,
    (byte) 254,
    (byte) 198,
    (byte) 197,
    (byte) 79,
    (byte) 21,
    (byte) 10
for (int index = 0; index < hash.Length; ++index)
    if ((int) hash[index] != (int) numArray2[index])
    Console.WriteLine("Your inputs do not result in the flag.");
string str6 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
if (!str6.StartsWith("HV20{"))
Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! You're now worthy to claim your flag: {0}", (object) str6);

Sadly, with the inputs from above this does not happen. When reviewing the steps you will find, that in step 1 two characters are used from the input that are not used in the comparison. So let’s put two for-loops around the whole programm and bruteforce those two characters.

The “correct” input for step one resuls to:


With that as input #1, we get the flag:

You're now worthy to claim your flag: HV20{r3?3rs3_3ng1n33r1ng_m4d3_34sy}

Appendix - Full decompiled code

// Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler
// Type: BadMorals.Program
// Assembly: BadMorals, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// MVID: EFA47BB4-3A3A-492E-AB54-EE96FB30AF03
// Assembly location: C:\Users\Danie\Downloads\cc1b4db7-d5b6-48b8-bee5-8dcba508bf81.exe

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace BadMorals
  public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("Your first input: ");
        char[] charArray1 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
        string str1 = "";
        for (int index = 0; index < charArray1.Length; ++index)
          if (index % 2 == 0 && index + 2 <= charArray1.Length)
            str1 += charArray1[index + 1].ToString();
        string str2;
        if (str1 == "BumBumWithTheTumTum")
          str2 = "SFYyMH" + charArray1[17].ToString() + "yMz" + (object) (charArray1[8].GetHashCode() % 10) + "zcnMzXzN" + charArray1[3].ToString() + "ZzF" + charArray1[9].ToString() + "MzNyM" + charArray1[13].ToString() + "5n" + charArray1[14].ToString() + "2";
          if (str1 == "")
            Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
          str2 = str1;
        Console.Write("Your second input: ");
        char[] charArray2 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
        string str3 = "";
        Array.Reverse((Array) charArray2);
        for (int index = 0; index < charArray2.Length; ++index)
          str3 += charArray2[index].ToString();
        string s;
        if (str3 == "BackAndForth")
          s = "Q1RGX3" + charArray2[11].ToString() + "sNH" + charArray2[8].ToString() + "xbm" + charArray2[5].ToString() + "f";
          if (str3 == "")
            Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
          s = str3;
        Console.Write("Your third input: ");
        char[] charArray3 = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();
        string str4 = "";
        byte num = 42;
        for (int index = 0; index < charArray3.Length; ++index)
          char ch = (char) ((uint) charArray3[index] ^ (uint) num);
          num = (byte) ((int) num + index - 4);
          str4 += ch.ToString();
        string str5;
        if (str4 == "DinosAreLit")
          str5 = "00ZD" + charArray3[3].ToString() + "f" + charArray3[2].ToString() + "zRzeX0=";
          if (str4 == "")
            Console.WriteLine("Your input is not allowed to result in an empty string");
          str5 = str4;
        byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(str2 + str5);
        byte[] numArray1 = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes.Length];
        for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length; ++index)
          buffer[index] = (byte) ((uint) bytes[index] ^ (uint) numArray1[index % numArray1.Length]);
        byte[] hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(buffer);
        byte[] numArray2 = new byte[20]
          (byte) 107,
          (byte) 64,
          (byte) 119,
          (byte) 202,
          (byte) 154,
          (byte) 218,
          (byte) 200,
          (byte) 113,
          (byte) 63,
          (byte) 1,
          (byte) 66,
          (byte) 148,
          (byte) 207,
          (byte) 23,
          (byte) 254,
          (byte) 198,
          (byte) 197,
          (byte) 79,
          (byte) 21,
          (byte) 10
        for (int index = 0; index < hash.Length; ++index)
          if ((int) hash[index] != (int) numArray2[index])
            Console.WriteLine("Your inputs do not result in the flag.");
        string str6 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
        if (!str6.StartsWith("HV20{"))
        Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! You're now worthy to claim your flag: {0}", (object) str6);
        Console.WriteLine("Please try again.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");

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